interface ResponseMessage {
    content: Control.Response;
    content_type: string;
    created: number;
    from: string;
    msg_type: Response;
    request_id: string;
    status: StatusCode;
    to: string[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


content: Control.Response

Message body as specified by content_type and msg_type

content_type: string

Media Type that identifies the format of the content, including major version. Incompatible content formats must have different content_types. Content_type application/openc2 identifies content defined by OpenC2 language specification versions 1.x, i.e., all versions that are compatible with version 1.0.

created: number

Creation date/time of the content

from: string

Authenticated identifier of the creator of or authority for execution of a message

msg_type: Response

The type of command and control Message

request_id: string

A unique identifier created by the Producer and copied by Consumer into all Responses, in order to support reference to a particular Command, transaction, or event chain

status: StatusCode

Populated with a numeric status code in Response

to: string[]

Authenticated identifier(s) of the authorized recipient(s) of a message