Status code enumeration

Enumeration Members

BadRequest: 400

The Consumer cannot process the Command due to something that is perceived to be a Producer error (e.g., malformed Command syntax)

Forbidden: 403

The Consumer understood the Command but refuses to authorize it

InternalError: 500

The Consumer encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from performing the Command

NotFound: 404

The Consumer has not found anything matching the Command

NotImplemented: 501

The Consumer does not support the functionality required to perform the Command

OK: 200

The Command has succeeded

Processing: 102

An interim Response used to inform the Producer that the Consumer has accepted the Command but has not yet completed it

ServiceUnavailable: 503

The Consumer is currently unable to perform the Command due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the Consumer

Unauthorized: 401

The Command Message lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource or authorization has been refused for the submitted credentials