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Mytra Development Framework - @mdf.js

Typescript framework for core application development

Mytra Development Framework is a set of tools for development TypeScript projects. It is based on the @mdf.js organization and is composed of several packages that can be used independently but that are designed to work together. The main idea of the framework is to integrate the most common tools and packages used in the development of TypeScript projects, usually wrapping them in a simpler interface and adding some extra functionality. For example the providers offered by this framework wrap the most common packages for managing connections to different services, such as rhea-promise for AMQP connections, @elastic/elasticsearch for Elastic, ... and offer an unified interface to create, manage and diagnose them. These interfaces are integrated with the observability component, so when an error occurs in one of the providers, the error is registered in the observability interface.

Each module can be installed separately, for example:


npm install @mdf.js/crash


yarn add @mdf.js/crash

The complete framework is composed of the following packages:

Check the documentation of each package for more information.

Copyright 2024 Mytra Control S.L. All rights reserved.

Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.