Interface LimiterOptions

Represents the limiter options

interface LimiterOptions {
    autoStart?: boolean;
    bucketSize?: number;
    concurrency?: number;
    delay?: number;
    highWater?: number;
    interval?: number;
    penalty?: number;
    retryOptions?: RetryOptions;
    strategy?: Strategy;
    tokensPerInterval?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


autoStart?: boolean

Set whether the limiter should start to process the jobs automatically

bucketSize?: number

Set the bucket size for the rate limiter

0 If the bucket size is 0, only concurrency and delay will be used to limit the rate of the jobs. If the bucket size is greater than 0, the consumption of the tokens will be used to limit the rate of the jobs. The bucket size is the maximum number of tokens that can be consumed in the interval. The interval is defined by the tokensPerInterval and interval properties.

concurrency?: number

The maximum number of concurrent jobs

delay?: number

Delay between each job in milliseconds

0 For concurrency = 1, the delay is applied after each job is finished For concurrency > 1, if the actual number of concurrent jobs is less than concurrency, the delay is applied after each job is finished, otherwise, the delay is applied after each job is started.

highWater?: number

The maximum number of jobs in the queue

interval?: number

Define the interval in milliseconds

penalty?: number

The penalty for the BLOCK strategy in milliseconds

retryOptions?: RetryOptions

Set the default options for the retry process of the jobs

strategy?: Strategy

The strategy to use when the queue length reaches highWater

tokensPerInterval?: number

Define the number of tokens that will be added to the bucket at the beginning of the interval