Creates a new Register instance
Component name
Max time in minutes that a job could be pending state
Maximum number of entries in the message register
componentComponent identification
executedProcessed jobs
messagesArray of messages used as fifo register
nameComponent name
pendingPending commands
Return the status of the stream in a standard format
check object as defined in the draft standard
Return the status of the register
Return the job from the register and return it
Job uuid
Add a new job to the registry of the jobs managed by this consumer
job to be added to be added
Add a new message to the registry of the last messages managed by this consumer
message to be added
A resource is extended component that represent the access to an external/internal resource, besides the error handling and identity, it has a start, stop and close methods to manage the resource lifecycle. It also has a checks property to define the checks that will be performed over the resource to achieve the resulted status. The most typical example of a resource are the Provider that allow to access to external databases, message brokers, etc.