Creates the Doorkeeper instance to validate JSONs using AJV with formats, keywords and errors
options: DoorkeeperOptionsDoorkeeper options
Try to validate an Object against the input schema or throw a ValidationError
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
Try to validate an Object against the input schema or throw a ValidationError
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
unique identifier for this operation
Validate an Object against the input schema and return a boolean
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
Validate an Object against the input schema and return a boolean
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
unique identifier for this operation
Return a dereferenced schema with all the $ref resolved
The schema we want to dereference
unique identifier for this operation
A dereferenced schema with all the $ref resolved This method is experimental and might change in the future without notice or be removed from a future release. Use it at your own risk.
Checks if the given data matches the specified schema.
The schema to check against.
The data to validate.
A boolean indicating whether the data matches the schema.
Registers a group of schemas from an object using the keys of the object as key and the value as the validation schema
Object containing the [key, validation schema]
Registers a group of schemas from an array and compiles them
Array containing the
Registers one schema with its key
the key with which identify the schema
the schema to be registered
Validate an Object against the input schema
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
unique identifier for this operation
callback function with the result of the validation
Validate an Object against the input schema
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
callback function with the result of the validation
Validate an Object against the input schema
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
unique identifier for this operation
Validate an Object against the input schema
The schema we want to validate
Object to be validated
Doorkeeper is a wrapper for AJV that allows us to validate JSONs against schemas. It also allows us to register schemas and retrieve them later.